Category: Most Popular
Carpet Stain Solutions It’s unavoidable. If you have carpet, you are going to have spills. But fear not. Help is out there. We turned to the DIY enthusiasts from …
Using Vinegar to Get Rid of Fruit Flies For such tiny little things, fruit flies can be a major nuisance. Once you get them, they can be pretty hard …
Will the Dryer Kill Bed Bugs? Answer at a Glance: A clothes dryer will kill bed bugs. Research has indicated that bed bugs can be exterminated at high temperatures. …
The medical community generally accepts many foods that affect gout negatively. For example, the US National Institutes of Health states that those who are more likely to develop gout …
What Is the Difference Between an Alligator and a Crocodile? According to the National Park Service, alligators and crocodiles belong to the crocodilian class of reptiles, which has 23 …
Why Is the Ocean Salty? The salt in oceans, comprised of sodium and chloride, is the product of the erosion of landmasses. Landmasses also surround lakes and rivers, so …
How Do Microwave Ovens Work? Microwave ovens work by exciting the food’s liquid molecules, producing thermal energy, or heat, ultimately cooking the food. The principle behind this involves microwaves, …
Do Bats Hibernate? Depending on the species, some bats hibernate in the winter while others migrate. In colder regions, some bats choose to hibernate when the weather turns cold, …
Does Hot Water Freeze Faster Than Cold Water? Hot water freezes faster than cold water by what is known as the Mpemba effect. Scientists offer several theories as to …
Why Does the Ocean Have Waves? The oceans are a vast network of swirling water and energy. The fluid nature of the ocean forces it into a state of …
There are 24 crocodilian species across the globe, located on every continent but Antarctica and Europe. Because crocodiles are cold-blooded reptiles, they prefer to live in warm tropical regions, …
Does Jupiter Have Any Moons? Jupiter has eighty moons. Jupiter has many moons and satellites, most of which are less than ten kilometers in size. Of the eighty known …
What Do Wasp Stings Look Like? Like bees, female wasps such as yellow jackets are equipped with a sac of venom and a stinger to deliver the venom into …
Do Frogs Hibernate? Frogs do hibernate. Frog species employ one of two strategies to avoid severe temperatures: freeze avoidance or freeze tolerance. Freeze-avoidance species can tolerate low temperatures but …
What Do Termites Look Like? If you are wondering what termites look like, you can find photos and descriptions below. Most individuals dealing with an infestation of drywood termites …
Who Discovered Magnesium? 1755 – Magnesium was first recognized as an element by Scottish chemist and physicist Joseph Black. He was the first to distinguish magnesium oxide (MgO) from …
What Is the Difference between a Cyclone and a Tornado? The main difference between a cyclone and a tornado is its origin. Tornadoes form on land, whereas cyclones form …
Owls are opportunistic predators. What owls eat depends on several factors, such as species, location, and food availability. Most owls are dietary generalists, meaning they don’t restrict themselves to …
Do Ants Have Brains? All ants have brains. The ant brain consists of learning, memory, sensory, and motor and mechanical components. The colony thinks together with each member of …
Can Bears Swim? All species of bears can swim, and all enjoy the water. Bears often swim to cool off, hunt for food, or simply get to the other …