Category: Respiratory System
Can Coffee Help Asthma? Coffee with caffeine can help asthma by slightly improving airway and lung function for a few hours. How Coffee Helps Asthma Caffeine, like that found …
The Link Between Insomnia and High Blood Pressure If you have high blood pressure and suffer from insomnia you may be interested to know that they are linked. According …
Can a Sinus Infection Cause Tooth Pain? A sinus toothache is a dental pain caused by a sinus infection. This pain around the teeth is the result of the …
Can a Sinus Infection Cause Neck Pain? The symptoms of a sinus infection depend upon which of the sinuses are infected. Neck pain is associated with an infection of …
Can a Sinus Infection Cause a Sore Throat? A sinus infection produces a postnasal drip, which has the potential to cause a sore throat. A sore throat does not …
When Is Bronchitis Contagious? Bronchitis is contagious during the period that the infection is still active. Acute bronchitis caused by a virus is the most contagious during the first …
Eye Problems Caused By Sinus Infections Ethmoid sinusitis is an infection of the ethmoid sinus behind the eye and can cause pain, pressure, or headache around the eyes. Sphenoid …