Author: Staff Writer
Invented at Harry’s New York Bar in Paris in 1920, the Bloody Mary originally consisted of vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, cayenne pepper, salt, and lemon. The drink was …
Are Ants Blind? Some ant species are blind, especially subterranean ones, but not all. Many ant species have compound eyes, which they use to hunt for food. Some species …
Can Acid Reflux Cause Coughing? Jump Ahead The Difference Between Acid Reflux and GERD Acid reflux is medically referred to as gastroesophageal reflux (GER). GER is common and occurs …
Can Hurricanes Form Over Land? Hurricanes cannot form over land. Hurricanes require warm, humid air, found only over the ocean in tropical areas, in order to form and to …
You should not put coffee grounds in the garbage disposal. As far as many garbage disposal models are concerned, you can use them to dispose of coffee grounds without …
To get the smell out of a dishwasher, you have to scrub the crevices where tiny bits of food, grease, and soap scum accumulate. It might seem redundant to …
Do Moose Hibernate or Migrate? Moose do not hibernate or migrate. They are a species that is well adapted to the seasonal changes that occur in their natural habitat. …
Do Ants Bite? Though all ants have the ability to bite, most do not bite as a defensive measure except for the velvety tree ant, which is an aggressive …
Where Do Wasps Live in the Winter? Male wasps die in the winter, and colony queens hibernate. The winter habits of the 20,000 or so different species of wasps …
Ingredients in a Lemon Drop Martini Because this back-to-basics martini recipe does not contain simple syrup (sugar), it is extremely tart if you skip lining the glass’s rim with …
ANSWER: In order to activate dishwasher detergents and effectively melt grease from dishes the water temperature should be set at least 140°F for most residential situations. More Info: Many …
Why Does Baking Soda React with Vinegar? Baking soda is a chemical called sodium bicarbonate. Vinegar’s main chemical component is acetic acid. The ions formed when the baking soda …
How Much Electricity Does a Mini Refrigerator Use? A 3.1-4.1 cubic foot Energy Star Certified mini fridge uses an average of 250-300 kilowatt-hours per year, costing about $28.00-$36.00 to …
A Letter of Intent is a business letter that defines the intention of a person or business to complete an action. It is not usually considered legally binding but …
Let’s face it. The purpose of a winter scarf is to keep you warm, but that hasn’t stopped many a fashionista from creating new and stylish ways to wear …
Can You Clean Jewelry with Vinegar? Clean copper jewelry with a paste of white flour, vinegar, salt, and citrus essential oil. Clean silver jewelry with baking soda and vinegar. …
When Hershey Food Corporations acquired the Leaf North American confectionery operations in 1996, it is doubtful that they intended for the tart confection, known as Jolly Rancher®, to be …
Discover how to make vodka Jello® shots with variations on exciting presentation ideas. The brand name Jello® Shots may be novel to current times, but the gelatin concoction imbibed with …
Most graduate schools require students to submit a letter of intent in their application. In this setting, a letter of intent expresses the student’s desire to attend a school. …
Some companies may ask a job applicant for a letter of recommendation from a current or former colleague. If asked to write this letter, the writer should be able …
The bandana has come a long way from the rugged land of the old American West. This practical cloth was an important accessory carried by men crossing the plains …
A business proposal letter is a way to suggest a joint effort with mutual benefits for both parties. An effective proposal letter can assist you in growing your business …
How long does it take from ovulation to implantation? Jump Ahead What Is Ovulation? When your hypothalamus detects low estrogen levels at the beginning of your menstrual cycle, which …
What Is the Rarest Hair Color? Red is the rarest hair color. Only 1% – 2% of the entire world’s population naturally have red hair. The reason for the …
What Causes Gray Hair? While graying hair is one of the earliest and most noticeable signs of aging, few people outside the health and beauty industries actually understand what …
Does Waxing Reduce Hair Growth? Waxing does reduce hair growth. The waxing procedure literally rips your hair right out of the follicle. This causes damage to the hair follicle, …
How Long is a Cashier’s Check Good For? Here’s a dirty little secret about cashier’s checks: Even though most of them have an expiration date, typically 60 or 90 …
A letter of intent to retire serves two main purposes. First, it advises an employer of the exact date that the employee plans to leave work. Secondly, it officially …
If you find your home seems to be attracting termites, there are several termite prevention tactics to prevent them from seeing your house as their next meal. Subterranean termites …
According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), termites cause an estimated $5 billion in property damage yearly. To protect against termites, experts advise that homeowners watch carefully for …
What Do Wasp Stings Look Like? Like bees, female wasps such as yellow jackets are equipped with a sac of venom and a stinger to deliver the venom into …
Can Deer Swim? Deer can swim. Deer are fast, skilled swimmers who can cross lakes and rivers at up to 13 miles per hour. They will often take to …
Do Squirrels Hibernate? Some species of squirrels hibernate, while others do not. The most common ground squirrel found in the Midwestern and Northeastern regions of the United States, the …
Because of their size and appearance, some think that moose are a clumsy, doltish bunch. In fact, moose are highly intelligent and do a wide variety of amazing things! …
When you think about what a crocodile eats, fish and birds likely come to mind. Though these animals are a staple of the crocodile diet, they have some odd …
Several salamander species can live in water. Aquatic salamanders are equipped with gills and live solely in the water. Others are semi-aquatic, living on both the land and in …
Do Toads Hibernate? Toads do hibernate. Dropping temperatures signal that it’s time to find a hibernaculum for ectothermic toads. As the temperatures begin to drop, so does the toad’s …
Are Frogs Asexual? Frogs are not asexual. Depending on the species, frogs can reproduce through internal fertilization or external fertilization. Though frogs are not naturally asexual in the wild, …
Are Salamanders Poisonous? Some salamanders are poisonous. Salamanders have poison glands across the head, the back, and the tail that produce secretions. In some species, these toxins act as …
Can Frogs Bite? Frogs can bite. Most do not think of frogs as particularly aggressive, but frogs can and do bite. Although they appear toothless, frogs actually have two …
Do Hawks Mate for Life? One type of hawk, the red-tailed hawk of the Western Hemisphere, will mate for life if conditions allow it. All of the other raptors …
Are Falcons Endangered? Of the more than 35 species of falcons worldwide, two are currently endangered – the saker falcon and the Mauritius kestrel. The subspecies of the aplomado …
What Do Termites Look Like? If you are wondering what termites look like, you can find photos and descriptions below. Most individuals dealing with an infestation of drywood termites …
Does Carbon Dioxide Dissolve in Water? Carbon dioxide does dissolve in water. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form an aqueous solution. This may seem counterintuitive. Carbon dioxide is …
Does Mercury Have Rings? Mercury does not have rings. Scientists surmise that the most likely reason for this is due to the strong gravitational pull of the sun on …
Baking Soda for Acid Reflux Using baking soda for acid reflux is an old folk remedy, but its value in treating heartburn has been verified by scientific facts. Baking …
What Do Eagles Eat? Eagles eat various things, depending on the species to which they belong. There are 60 different species of eagles. Some are vegetarians, such as the …
Using borax to clean carpets is a natural alternative to commercial carpet cleaning solutions. Borax, a boron compound, is a natural element used as a household cleaner throughout the …
Are you looking for a fun way to add some color to your hairstyle? If so, dyeing your hair with Jell-O® is a fun and safe alternative to traditional …
Learning how to unclog a dishwasher drain is easier than it sounds. Most dishwashers are located beneath the countertop and, therefore, can be more difficult to work on than …
Who Invented the Dishwasher? The first commercially available power-moded dishwasher was invented by Josephine Cochrane in 1886. More Info: Dishwashers are one of the most common home appliances; however, …
Does Earth Rotate? Earth does rotate. The Earth’s rotation is what gives us day and night. Rotation is the spin of the planet on its axis. The Earth completes …
Vinegar for Age Spots and Other Natural Remedies Natural remedies for all ailments, including cosmetic corrections such as fading age spots, have been passed down from generation to generation. …
Can Silk Get Wet? Most silk garments can get wet, but water makes the fibers more fragile. It should not get wet if your garment is already fragile, such …
Does Mercury Have Any Volcanoes? Mercury does have volcanoes. When the Messenger spacecraft returned photos of Mercury’s surface, scientists found images suggesting the presence of many volcanoes on the …
How Does Wind Power Work? Wind power is the transfer of kinetic energy from air movement to a medium that is beneficial to humans. Humans have been harnessing the …
Have you ever wondered how to dye your hair with black tea? Using black tea rather than commercial hair dye to color your hair is cheaper, causes less damage …
Does cotton shrink in the wash? Cotton does shrink in the wash. In the case of cotton, it’s the agitation that’s the culprit for shrinkage, not heat, so yes, …
What Is the Difference between a Cyclone and a Tornado? The main difference between a cyclone and a tornado is its origin. Tornadoes form on land, whereas cyclones form …
Can Acid Reflux Cause Chest Pain? Jump Ahead What Is Acid Reflux/GER Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the ring …
Precipitation is any form of water particle that begins in the atmosphere and falls to the ground. The four common types of precipitation are rain, snow, sleet, and hail, …
How Are Hurricanes Measured? A hurricane’s strength is measured using various methods, including aircraft reconnaissance, ocean buoys, and satellite imagery. The official means of determining the intensity of a …
Coloring hair with Kool-Aid® is a fun and inexpensive way to experiment with hair color. Before getting started, here are some things to consider. Precautions: Anything that can dye hair has …
Does Acid Reflux Cause Headaches? Research has indicated that those who regularly suffer from acid reflux have a higher prevalence of headaches than those who do not. In fact, …
Is Nitrogen a Gas? At standard conditions, nitrogen is found in a gaseous state. As a chemical element, it can be found in known material states, including solid, liquid, …
If you are looking for specific foods that help reduce acid reflux, check out this list of foods to eat and foods to avoid. Knowing what foods help reduce acid …
There are more than 900 tick species worldwide, 90 found throughout the United States. These parasitic arachnids feed on blood and carry a variety of diseases. If are planning an …
A letter of recommendation for nursing school focuses on the applicant’s strengths that will translate to nursing school. A quality letter of recommendation should be short and concise. However, …
In our fictional sample performance review, Jill is a newly hired staff writer for a publishing company. Examples are given for exceptional, adequate, and negative performance feedback. Job Knowledge …
What Are the Ingredients in Eyeliner? When you look at the product information for eyeliners, you will find any of the following essential ingredients listed: Alcohol denat Ammonium acrylates …
Does the Moon Orbit the Earth? The Moon does orbit the Earth. It takes 27.322 days for the moon to travel completely around the Earth. The moon travels around …
Don’t wait until the official performance review period to let your employees know how they are performing. Open communication is critical to a successful work relationship. Here are examples …
A letter of recommendation will endorse a particular applicant for employment. The letter should be a one-page document written using a business letter format. A standard letter of recommendation …
Can Acid Reflux Cause Bad Breath? Acid reflux can cause bad breath. Many studies have refuted the fact that acid reflux, also called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, causes …
The fact is ants are not a finicky bunch when it comes to food choices. They will eat pretty much anything depending on the species. Some favor sweet things. …
Different types of birthmarks fall into two categories-pigmented birthmarks and vascular birthmarks. Pigmented birthmarks occur when you have more pigment on one part of your skin than another. Vascular …
How to Get Rid of Ants Indoors An infestation of ants in the house can be distressing. And there is always that remote possibility that they may pass along …
Dyeing your shoes is a great way to turn an old, worn-out pair of canvas or fabric shoes into a new fashion statement or create a work of art …
If you are asked to write a letter of recommendation for a student-athlete, use this sample to make the process easier. 2345 School LaneWoodsboro, Virginia 00000 November 30, 2010 …
The performance review process is vital to the success or failure of a business. To use its assets most efficiently, a business needs to be aware of the strengths …
Letters of recommendation written by former employers tend to be brief and verify employment facts regarding the employee in question. Many employers’ written recommendations focus on the length of …
Does Earth Have Two Moons? The Earth does not have two moons. Unlike several other planets in our solar system, the Earth has one moon. Large planets like Saturn …
How Many Electrons Are In Nitrogen? The chemical element nitrogen has a total of 7 electrons. 2 electrons are in shell one while there are 5 in shell two. …
At What Temperature Does Water Freeze? Water freezes at a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 degrees Celsius, and 273 degrees Kelvin.—at sea level. The freezing point of water …
Does Jupiter Have a Magnetic Field? Jupiter has a vast and very complex magnetic field. While Jupiter has only a small rock and metalcore about Earth’s size, the core …
Does the Earth Have a Magnetic Field? The Earth does have a magnetic field originating in the Earth’s core. The Earth has a magnetic field surrounding it, high above …
Most birthmarks do not require treatment. However, for those that do, there are a variety of professional birthmark removal methods that modern physicians perform. The method that your physician …
Knowing how to use the correct format for a letter of recommendation is essential in the modern workplace. In either an academic or professional capacity, a well-written letter of …
How Many Protons Are In Nitrogen? Nitrogen has seven protons, 2 protons on the 1st shell and 5 protons on the second. The periodic table has several categorizations for …
Does organic cotton shrink? Yes, organic cotton does shrink. All cotton that is not treated or preshrunk will shrink, including organic cotton. Many organic cotton clothing manufacturers understand how …
How Much Does Water Weigh? The most widely accepted simple scientific answer to this question is that a gallon of room temperature water weighs 8.33 pounds. What’s more, if …
Does Mars Have Moons? Answer at a Glance: Mars has two small, misshapen moons that orbit the planet – Deimos and Phobos. They are among the smallest in the …
An excellent method of increasing the productivity of your staff and the morale of a company is the proper use of performance reviews. When utilized correctly, performance reviews can …
Leadership Competent leader, Motivates employees, Challenges and rewards performance, Effectively communicates to staff business philosophy, Operational plans are consistent with company vision, Effective decision maker. Communications Effective communicator, Creates …
Is Earth Bigger Than Mercury? Earth is bigger than Mercury. Mercury is notably smaller than the Earth. You may wonder just how much smaller it is compared to Earth, …
The history of performance appraisal began in 1911 when performance appraisal pioneer Frederick Winslow Taylor published two books: The Principles of Scientific Management and Shop Management. He would die …
Do Ants Have Brains? All ants have brains. The ant brain consists of learning, memory, sensory, and motor and mechanical components. The colony thinks together with each member of …
Where Does Cotton Grow Geographically? Cotton grows in warm climates and can be grown between the latitudes of 30°N to 30°S. Though it is possible to grow cotton anywhere …
There are several reasons why your shoes squeak when you walk. One part of the shoe rubbing against another. Moisture is trapped between an insert and the rest of …
What Is the Boiling Point of Water? The boiling point of water depends on where you are on Earth. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius or …