Author: Staff Writer
Are Squirrels Rodents? Squirrels are rodents. Squirrels belong to the rodent family of mammals and span several different branches within the Rodentia family. While most are diurnal, meaning sleeping …
Are Hawks Endangered? Some hawk species are endangered. About twenty of the more than 200 species of hawks worldwide are considered endangered. Some individual countries and U.S. states have …
How Do Ants Communicate? Ants communicate through their senses and through airborne chemicals known as pheromones. It is important for social insects like ants to have the ability to …
Does Pluto Have Any Rings? There are no known rings around the dwarf planet Pluto. Hubble Discovery of Pluto Moon The Hubble Space Telescope was recently tasked with searching …
What Is the Difference Between Glasses and Contact Prescriptions The prescription your eye doctor gives you for contacts is slightly different from the prescription he gives you for glasses. …
Does Hot Water Freeze Faster Than Cold Water? Hot water freezes faster than cold water by what is known as the Mpemba effect. Scientists offer several theories as to …
Why Does the Ocean Have Waves? The oceans are a vast network of swirling water and energy. The fluid nature of the ocean forces it into a state of …
If you have ever been to the coast and spent the day near the water, you may have noticed that at certain times of the day, the ocean reaches …
Do Alligators Hibernate? Alligators do not hibernate, they brumate in regions that may have colder periods. Instead of true hibernation, alligators brumate to slow their metabolism and adapt their …
Are Hurricanes and Typhoons the Same? Hurricanes and typhoons are the same. The only difference between a hurricane and a typhoon is where it originated. A tropical cyclone is …
Dishwashers do need hot water. Though Cascade does state that their products are designed to work in hot water or cold, (See “what temperature should my water be” at …
When do geraniums flower? Geraniums that are planted soon after the last frost will begin to flower in the early spring. Different Species Different Bloom Times There are over …
There are two different types of ocean currents: surface circulation, or surface currents, and thermohaline circulation, also known as deep water currents. Different forces affect and control these two …
Do Hurricanes Form Over Water? Hurricanes do form over water. Hurricanes can only form over very warm, humid water, such as that found in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific …
Why Do We Have Birthmarks? Why do some people have birthmarks while others don’t? Several factors contribute to the appearance of birthmarks, including ethnicity, genetics, gender, and birth conditions. Birthmarks can …
Are Bears Colorblind? Bears are not colorblind. Various studies have concluded that black and polar bears can see colors. Since much of the diet of many bears consists of …
Can Mars Support Life? Mars can not support life. According to NASA, the thin atmosphere, frigid temperatures, and arid conditions affecting Mars make it nearly impossible for Mars to …
This article on how to plant geraniums covers soil conditions, best location to plant for optimal results, temperature, and sunlight. As with most flowers, how to plant geraniums comes …
Several salamander species can live in water. Aquatic salamanders are equipped with gills and live solely in the water. Others are semi-aquatic, living on both the land and in …
Do All Bats Have Rabies? It is a myth that all bats have rabies. Though bats can contract rabies, they are no more susceptible to the disease than any …