Author: Staff Writer
Are Vultures Endangered? Certain vulture species are not only endangered but classified as critically endangered, including the slender-billed, red-headed, and white-rumped vulture. The “critically endangered” classification means that these …
Do Crocodiles Lay Eggs? Crocodiles do lay eggs. Temperature plays a major role in the crocodile’s reproductive process. Temperature determines the sex of the crocodile and how long or …
Since first introduced by Josephine Cochrane in 1893 at Chicago’s World Fair, dishwashers have evolved from a mechanically operated spinning rack over a copper boiler to the modern computerized …
How Many Days Does PMS Last? The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or PMS can last anywhere from five to fourteen days before menstruation or bleeding during your monthly period. …
Do Frogs Have Bones? Frogs have bones, which are used mainly for jumping. Over the evolution of an estimated 200 million years, their basic bone structure has not changed …
Can Crocodiles Live in Salt Water? Some crocodiles are very well adapted to living in saltwater. In fact, Crocodylus porosus, also known as the saltwater crocodile or estuarine crocodile, …
How Do Toads Reproduce? The mating process begins when the male begins to sound a breeding call to attract females to its location. When the female arrives, the male …
Do Crocodiles Hibernate? Crocodiles do not hibernate they aestivate. Aestivation in crocodiles is similar to hibernation in warm-blooded animals but occurs in response to arid conditions in hotter seasons …
Are Eagles Hawks? Eagles are not hawks. Eagles and hawks are closely related, but they are different birds. They are both birds of prey and among the 290 species …
Are Frogs Nocturnal? Most species of frogs are nocturnal, but many others are diurnal. Over 4,800 distinct frog species live in various habitats, and each species has adapted a …
Can Toads Live in Water? Toads can live in water. Like all amphibians, toads spend a portion of their lives in water and depend on it to reproduce and …
Do Toads Bite? Toads do not bite. Toads are passive creatures and will not bite. Actually, the toad’s defense mechanisms are limited. Some toads have warts, which secrete a …
Can Frogs Drown? Frogs can drown. Except for one aquatic species that live entirely underwater, all other frog species can drown if too much water enters their lungs. They …
Can Crocodiles Jump? Crocodiles can jump. They use their powerful tails to make explosive water leaps, flailing it from side to side in a snake-like fashion. Crocodiles can jump …
Can Crocodiles See? Crocodiles can see. Crocodiles have excellent vision; unlike most species in the animal kingdom, crocodiles have the unique ability to see in color. They maintain this …
How Long Do Alligators Live? The alligator lives an average of 35-50 years in the wild and up to 65+ years in captivity. To answer the question ‘how long …
Nearly one-fifth of the Earth’s known living mammal species comprises 925 different types of bats. Only rodents encompass more individually listed species in the mammal group, and in some …
Do Bats Have Tails? Most species of bats have tails. The anatomy of a bat’s tail is almost as diverse as the nearly 1,000 different species of bats. In …
Can Alligators Climb Trees? Alligators can climb trees. In a new study published in the journal Herpetology Notes, researchers formally studied and documented the behavior. Researchers from the University …
What Do Vampire Bats Eat? Vampire bats eat blood. Native to Central America, Mexico, and South America, vampire bats subsist solely on blood as a food source. They generally …
Are Alligators Reptiles? Alligators are reptiles from the order Crocodylia family Alligatoridae. There are only two remaining species of the Alligatoridae family– the American Alligator, Alligator mississippiens, and the …
Are Bats Really Blind? Bats are not blind. The misconception that bats are blind is a common myth. In fact, bats have excellent eyesight. Many people may believe that …
Are Bats Mammals or Birds? Bats are not birds. Bats are mammals. Because bats have wings and the ability to fly, they are often mistakenly regarded as bird species. …
Do Bats Live in Trees? Many species of bats live in trees. Those who prefer sunlight will roost directly on branches, while others will nest inside a hollow tree …
How Much Do Bats Weigh? Bats weigh from as little as 0.07 ounces up to 3.3 pounds. (2 g to 1.5kg) There are nearly 1,000 different bat species of …
You can use a garbage disposal with a septic system, but the cost of maintaining the system will be higher. A garbage disposal can be used with a septic …
Does Polyester Shrink in the Dryer? 100% polyester will not shrink in the dryer. Polyester is a man-made fabric designed to resist wrinkles, shrinking, and stretching so it is …