Author: Gabrielle Marks
How Does Professional Teeth Whitening Work? The days of visiting the dentist only when there is a need to have a cavity filled or a tooth pulled are in …
Can You Exercise with Shingles? Stress-relieving exercises can benefit someone with a shingles outbreak, but there are situations in which exercise is not advised. Here is a look at …
Carpet Stain Solutions It’s unavoidable. If you have carpet, you are going to have spills. But fear not. Help is out there. We turned to the DIY enthusiasts from …
Removing Urine Smell from Carpet It’s bound to happen at least once. Pets have accidents. If you have carpet, urine stains and odors can be challenging. Here’s what you …
Using Vinegar to Get Rid of Fruit Flies For such tiny little things, fruit flies can be a major nuisance. Once you get them, they can be pretty hard …
How to Clean a Shower with Vinegar Vinegar is not just a condiment; it’s a versatile, non-toxic cleaning solution for showers, tubs, and sinks. It’s a powerful cleaner that …
How to Clean Windows with Vinegar Choosing vinegar for window cleaning is a smart and budget-friendly decision. This household staple, commonly found in US homes, is a cost-effective alternative …
How to Clean the Dishwasher with Vinegar In the past, automatic dishwashers were considered a luxury. Today, more than two-thirds of American households have one. Despite the misconception that …
Is Gold a Mineral? Answer at a Glance: Number 79 on the periodic table of elements, Gold (Au) is classified as a native element mineral. Why Is Gold Classified …
Is Nitrogen a Gas? Answer at a Glance: At standard conditions, nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. Under extremely low temperatures nitrogen can be liquid and solid. Dig …
Does acupuncture work for anxiety? Some studies reveal that it does! Explore the findings. Several studies indicate that acupuncture works to relieve anxiety. Acupuncture has been used for thousands …
Will the Dryer Kill Bed Bugs? Answer at a Glance: A clothes dryer will kill bed bugs. Research has indicated that bed bugs can be exterminated at high temperatures. …
The medical community generally accepts many foods that affect gout negatively. For example, the US National Institutes of Health states that those who are more likely to develop gout …
Can You Get Food Poisoning from Chicken? Answer at a Glance: You can get food poisoning from chicken. The most common form is Salmonella. The USDA’s Food Safety and …
Answer at a Glance: According to NASA, Mercury does not have rings. Astronomers surmise that the most likely reason for this is its size and proximity to the sun. …
What Is the Difference Between an Alligator and a Crocodile? According to the National Park Service, alligators and crocodiles belong to the crocodilian class of reptiles, which has 23 …
Can Elemental Mercury Be a Solid? Anwer at Glance: Elemental mercury can exist as a solid at temperatures below -38.83°C/-37.89°F. Dig Deeper: States of Matter The three (loosely speaking, …
How Long Do Bats Live? Answer at a Glance: Of the 64 bat species, scientists have documented 22 bat species with an average lifespan of more than 20 years …
Who Invented the Microwave Oven? Percy Spencer, a remarkable engineer, tested and invented the use of microwave radiation to cook food in a contained appliance in 1945. His ingenuity …
Knowing how to clean silver jewelry is a necessity as silver oxidizes and tarnishes with time. There are many commercial silver cleaners on the market, but several very effective …