Can Bats Fly?
Bats can fly. The bat’s light bone structure and ability to raise its heart rate from 300 beats per minute to 1,000 beats per minute help it achieve the energy necessary for flight. In fact, bats can fly and are unique in that they are the only mammals that can do so.
The Anatomy of the Bat’s Wings
Upon first glance, you may think that a bat’s wings are far more similar to a bird’s wings than a human arm. In fact, upon closer inspection, you will find that the bat’s wing is very much like the human arm, hand, and fingers. Like humans, the bat has four fingers and a thumb. The appendages protrude from the side of the bat’s body and are just about the same length as its entire body. The human has tiny skin flaps at the base of each finger connecting them to the hand, and the bat has a rubbery membrane called the patagium, which stretches from the top of the finger to the bottom. This membrane further acts as a wing in that it stretches to the sides of the bat’s body and finally connects to the legs. When stretched to its fullest, this membrane becomes a powerful tool for flight.
How Does a Bat Fly?
A bat’s bones are extremely light, factoring into the equation of what is necessary to lift a body into flight. The bat can raise its heart rate from 300 beats per minute to 1,000 beats per minute to achieve the flight’s energy.
Even Drunk Bats Can Fly?
In an interesting study, researchers from the University of Western Ontario set out to discover if bats that eat the fermented fruit that other animals won’t touch, such as tropical bats of Central and South America, have any difficulty in flight as a result. They found that most bats had a high tolerance level to alcohol and had few problems navigating through an obstacle course while inebriated. The study findings suggested that a bat’s ability to ‘hold its liquor’ could be an evolutionary edge.
- “The secret life of bats | Natural History Museum.” Natural History Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2011. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/nature-online/life/mammals/bats/session2/ index.html
- “Drunk” Bats Fly Right–Discovery Surprises Scientists.” Daily Nature and Science News and Headlines | National Geographic News. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2011. <http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/02/100209-drunk-bats-fly/>.