How to Treat Chigger Bites: To treat chigger bites, first remove the chiggers by thoroughly scrubbing the infected area with soap and water. Pat to dry. Soothe the itch with Calamine or corticosteroid creams. Antihistamines may also be helpful for itch relief.
What Are Chigger Bites?

The red, blister-like welt of a chigger bite is often mistaken for a mosquito bite and is just as itchy. When a chigger bites, it injects its saliva with a powerful digestive enzyme that kills the surrounding tissue causing it to harden and form a tube-like structure called a stylostome. Through this stylostome, the chigger begins to feed on the liquefied tissue of the host.
Treating the Chigger Bite Site

The first line of defense is to ensure that the chigger is no longer feeding. This can be difficult since chiggers are not visible to the naked eye. A thorough scrubbing with warm, soapy water is usually all that is necessary to detach the chigger. Generally, by the time a chigger bite begins to itch, the chigger is usually long gone.
Once you have removed the chigger, refrain from scratching the welt. Scratching is the primary cause of infection from chigger bites. Use topical lotions such as Calamine or corticosteroid creams to ease the itching. Antihistamines may also be helpful for itch relief.
How Long Do Chigger Bites Take to Go Away?

As long as you don’t scratch a chigger bite, which could cause infection, the itch should subside within a few days. The skin welt can take up to a week or more to heal.
Natural Chigger Bite Itch Relief

Though not specifically touted as chigger itch relief treatments, many natural remedies have been used for years to relieve itching and may provide some relief, including toothpaste, an oatmeal bath, and apple cider vinegar.
“5 Signs and Symptoms of Chiggers and How to Get Rid of Them“
“Hey! A Chigger Bit Me!” http://kidshealth.org/kid/ill_injure/bugs/chigger.html.
Purdue University
“As Chiggers Get Thicker It’s No Time to Snicker, Entomologist Says“