Do Crocodiles Lay Eggs?

Last Reviewed: Oct 1, 2022 @ 3:06 pm
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Do Alligators Lay Eggs
Do Crocodiles Lay Eggs?

Crocodiles do lay eggs.  Temperature plays a major role in the crocodile’s reproductive process.  Temperature determines the sex of the crocodile and how long or successful the incubation period will be.

When crocodiles reach sexual maturity, they begin to court a mate. This process can last for several hours or several days. Once courtship has ended, crocodiles mate and the females search for an appropriate nesting area to lay their eggs.

Where Crocodiles Lay Eggs

Do Crocodiles Lay Eggs - Incubating

Crocodiles construct nests upon elevated sites that have adequate drainage. These nests can either be holes in the soil or mounds of vegetation above the soil. Female crocodiles can lay from 20 to 60 eggs.

Most female crocodile species will stay with the nest during incubation to protect the eggs.  For example, saltwater crocodiles have been observed charging and biting at intruders that come too close to the nest.

Temperature Affects Incubation

Does Precipitation Affect Climate - Temperature

The temperature at which crocodile eggs incubate will determine how fast or slow the incubation period will be.  Depending on the species, at 86°F, the eggs will hatch in 65-95 days.  The colder it is, the longer it takes for incubation.  Prolonged temperatures of 93°F or above or below 79°F can kill the embryos within the eggs.

Temperature Affects Gender

Do Crocodiles Lay Eggs - Hatch

The air temperature of the area where a crocodile’s eggs are incubating will determine what sex the crocodile will be.  Temperatures of 86°F or below will produce a female alligator, while temperatures above 91.4°F will produce a male.  Temperatures in between will produce both males and females.

How Baby Crocodiles Hatch

Do Crocodiles Lay Eggs - Nest

When the baby crocodiles are ready to hatch, they let out cries to alert the mother.  For those eggs that have been buried in a hole, the mother will dig them out.  The baby alligator has a little tooth on its snout that will help it to peck away at its shell until it is free.  If it can’t manage to get out of the shell on its own, the mother will take the egg into her mouth and gently squeeze it until it is hatched.

Mother to the Rescue

Do Crocodiles Lay Eggs - Mother

Once the baby crocodiles are all out of their shells, the mother crocodile quickly works to get them to the water.  She will scoop up a few in her mouth at a time and carry them down to the water’s edge.  Stragglers find their siblings with a series of special calls. 


IUCN-SSC – Crocodile Specialist Group – “Reproduction”

Southern Regional Aquaculture Center-Texas A&M University – “Alligator Reproduction-Breeding and Egg Incubation”

Crocodilian – “Can’t I Sleep in a Bit?”

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – “Captive Breeding and the Management of Adult Crocodiles.”