Does organic cotton shrink?
Yes, organic cotton does shrink. All cotton that is not treated or preshrunk will shrink, including organic cotton. Many organic cotton clothing manufacturers understand how much their cotton fabric will shrink and compensate for this by cutting the garment to a larger size to allow for shrinkage. So the garment may be big when it is first purchased, but when washed will shrink to the size on the label. Be sure to ask before you purchase.
What Is Organic Cotton?
If you are purchasing a product made with organic cotton, it means that the cotton growers utilized farming methods that had a low impact on the environment. All the cotton sold as organic in the United States must meet strict federal regulations concerning how the cotton is grown. It must be grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers or toxic and persistent pesticides. Furthermore, the seed cannot be genetically engineered. Though most organic cotton is produced in India, in the United States, you will know if the organic cotton item you purchase meets this requirement if it has the certified USDA organic seal.
How to Reduce Organic Cotton Shrinkage
As with any fabric, your first line of defense to reduce organic cotton from shrinking is to read and follow the garment’s care label. As a general rule of thumb, organic cotton should be washed in cold or warm water with a delicate detergent and then line dried. If the clothes dryer must be used, set it on the lowest setting. Don’t bleach the garment or use fabric softener or stain removers.
What Are the Disadvantages of Organic Cotton?
Because it generally costs more to produce organic cotton products, they are likely to cost more than their non-organic counterparts. In addition, when considering clothing made with organic cotton, some items may be processed further and may include harsh chemicals and dyes.
Organic Trade Association – “Organic Cotton Facts”
“ECFR – Code of Federal Regulations”