How to Grow Daffodils – Daffodils Growing Guides

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Last Reviewed: Apr 24, 2023 @ 6:55 pm
Reading Time: 2 minutes
How to Grow Daffodils

How to Grow Daffodils. Find the answer to “How to Grow Daffodils” as well as additional authoritative resources on the subject.

Choosing Daffodil Bulbs

How to Grow Daffodils - bulbs

Look for firm, fresh-looking bulbs that feel weighty for their size. Larger bulbs will produce larger plants, and there are many different varieties of daffodils to choose from – different sizes, colors, and cup depth on the flowers are all considerations to be made when choosing bulbs.

Planting Daffodil Bulbs

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Daffodils will bloom in the spring and should be planted in the fall season. Daffodil bulbs need time to establish their root system before the ground freezes, so plant them at least four weeks before the onset of winter. Choose a site that is well-drained and in partial sun. Daffodils can be planted a few inches apart from each other as they do not mind crowding. The depth of the hole should be three times the width of the bulb (thus, different size daffodils will need to be planted at slightly different depths.)

Tending Your Daffodils

How to Grow Daffodils - Compost

Daffodils are rather tolerant plants and should not need much fertilization. However, placing compost or other nutrient-rich soil over the bed will help. A few inches of mulch will keep weeds abated, which can easily choke out daffodils as they are sprouting. They will begin to sprout at spring’s first significant thaw and will bloom shortly thereafter. Allow flowered tops to die and droop naturally – daffodils do not need to be pruned, and they will fare better when left to wilt naturally. This way, they provide their own nutrients for the following year by being absorbed back into the soil around the bulbs. Daffodils may be fertilized again after blooming to keep root systems and bulbs intact and healthy.