How to Harvest Basil
Harvesting basil at the right time for optimal results will depend on the intended use and the climate in which it is grown.
When to Harvest Basil
You want to pick the leaves before blooming to use fresh leaves on an as-needed basis in small quantities. Wait until the plant is about 6″ before you begin harvesting to encourage continued growth throughout your season. Pick early in the morning for the best results before the essential oils have evaporated.
If you are harvesting for the essential oils, you want to harvest during full bloom.
How to Harvest Basil
Leaves: You can begin harvesting leaves on an as-needed basis as soon as they are ready. Pick leaves 4″ from the ground or at least ¼” above a pair of true leaves to encourage regrowth. Don’t over-pick. Leave enough foliage on each plant to have a continuous harvest throughout the season.
Harvesting in Bunches: You will need to cut the plant with the stem if you want to harvest your basil to dry it in bunches. Cut the sprig directly above the first set of true leaves. If your season is long enough, you may get two cuttings. The height of flavor for basil is just before the flowers begin to bud.