This article on how to plant geraniums covers soil conditions, best location to plant for optimal results, temperature, and sunlight.

As with most flowers, how to plant geraniums comes down to a few key factors: soil, location, and temperature. Here are the main things to keep in mind when considering these factors.
Geraniums are generally resilient, so they can flourish in most soil conditions. The primary factor you need to ensure is that the soil is well-aerated. Also, although geraniums are hardy flowers, poor soil conditions can hurt their development. If you have any concerns about the soil, ensure you provide treated soil for your plants.
One of the most common questions when planting any flower is whether it can be planted in the ground or if it should be kept in a pot. Because of the geranium’s resilient nature, they can flourish in either condition. If you are going to plant your geraniums in the ground, providing treated soil is a good idea. If you are going to keep them in pots, it is best to use larger pots for geraniums.
The most dangerous natural condition for geraniums is low temperatures. Before you begin to plant geraniums, you need to be aware of when the year’s last freeze will be. Generally speaking, this time of the year will be sometime around May. Also, in order to give your geraniums the most time to develop and grow, you don’t want to wait too long after this date to begin planting. Therefore, from the time you can begin planting your geraniums, you will want to plant them as soon as possible and no later than about a month after this date.
Amount of Sunlight
The amount of sunlight your geraniums should get depends on temperature. Too much direct intense sunlight will dry out your geraniums. If you live in such a climate, you should limit the amount of exposure to sunlight, which means you need to be very careful about where you plant them outside or keep them in pots so that they can be moved. However, in climates where the sunlight and heat are not as intense, geraniums can thrive in extended periods of direct exposure to sunlight.
“Growing Geraniums From Seed | Horticulture and Home Pest News” ” Integrated Pest Management at Iowa State University
Janssen, Don. “Growing Geraniums from Seed” University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Lancaster County
Richard Jauron Extension Horticulturist ”Growing Geraniums from Seeds” Iowa State University Extension.
“Geranium Culture for Home Gardeners” North Carolina Cooperative Extension