If you find your home seems to be attracting termites, there are several termite prevention tactics to prevent them from seeing your house as their next meal. Subterranean termites …
According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), termites cause an estimated $5 billion in property damage yearly. To protect against termites, experts advise that homeowners watch carefully for …
What Do Wasp Stings Look Like? Like bees, female wasps such as yellow jackets are equipped with a sac of venom and a stinger to deliver the venom into …
Can Deer Swim? Deer can swim. Deer are fast, skilled swimmers who can cross lakes and rivers at up to 13 miles per hour. They will often take to …
Do Squirrels Hibernate? Some species of squirrels hibernate, while others do not. The most common ground squirrel found in the Midwestern and Northeastern regions of the United States, the …
How Long Do Bats Live? Twenty-two bat species have an average lifespan of more than 20 years, while six bat species are documented to live for more than 30 …
Because of their size and appearance, some think that moose are a clumsy, doltish bunch. In fact, moose are highly intelligent and do a wide variety of amazing things! …
When you think about what a crocodile eats, fish and birds likely come to mind. Though these animals are a staple of the crocodile diet, they have some odd …
Do Alligators Lay Eggs? Alligators are oviparous, which means that they lay eggs. Only two species of alligators remain on Earth, the American alligator (A. mississipiensis) and the Chinese …
Do Frogs Hibernate? Frogs do hibernate. Frog species employ one of two strategies to avoid severe temperatures: freeze avoidance or freeze tolerance. Freeze-avoidance species can tolerate low temperatures but …
Several salamander species can live in water. Aquatic salamanders are equipped with gills and live solely in the water. Others are semi-aquatic, living on both the land and in …
Do Toads Hibernate? Toads do hibernate. Dropping temperatures signal that it’s time to find a hibernaculum for ectothermic toads. As the temperatures begin to drop, so does the toad’s …
Are Frogs Asexual? Frogs are not asexual. Depending on the species, frogs can reproduce through internal fertilization or external fertilization. Though frogs are not naturally asexual in the wild, …
Are Salamanders Poisonous? Some salamanders are poisonous. Salamanders have poison glands across the head, the back, and the tail that produce secretions. In some species, these toxins act as …
Can Frogs Bite? Frogs can bite. Most do not think of frogs as particularly aggressive, but frogs can and do bite. Although they appear toothless, frogs actually have two …
Can Owls Fly? Owls can fly and, in fact, are unique from other birds because they are silent fliers. Body Adaptations Needed for Flight Whether considering the great grey …
Do Hawks Mate for Life? One type of hawk, the red-tailed hawk of the Western Hemisphere, will mate for life if conditions allow it. All of the other raptors …
Are Falcons Endangered? Of the more than 35 species of falcons worldwide, two are currently endangered – the saker falcon and the Mauritius kestrel. The subspecies of the aplomado …
What Do Termites Look Like? If you are wondering what termites look like, you can find photos and descriptions below. Most individuals dealing with an infestation of drywood termites …
Does Carbon Dioxide Dissolve in Water? Carbon dioxide does dissolve in water. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form an aqueous solution. This may seem counterintuitive. Carbon dioxide is …
Does Mercury Have Rings? Mercury does not have rings. Scientists surmise that the most likely reason for this is due to the strong gravitational pull of the sun on …
Baking Soda for Acid Reflux Using baking soda for acid reflux is an old folk remedy, but its value in treating heartburn has been verified by scientific facts. Baking …
Can You Get Food Poisoning from Eggs? You can get food poisoning from eggs. The most common type of food poisoning from eggs is Salmonella. In fact, eggs are …
Who Discovered Magnesium? 1755 – Magnesium was first recognized as an element by Scottish chemist and physicist Joseph Black. He was the first to distinguish magnesium oxide (MgO) from …
How to Clean Patent Leather. Did your patent leather lose its shine? Are you trying to get rid of scuff marks? Discover how to clean patent leather to bring …
How to Wax Eyebrows Because waxing removes the follicle’s full hair, it is one of the most effective hair-removal methods. But waxing isn’t for everyone. Find out how to …
The ant colony is divided into three castes: queens, males, and workers. The queen and the males are responsible for reproduction. The workers are sterile females and do not …
What Do Eagles Eat? Eagles eat various things, depending on the species to which they belong. There are 60 different species of eagles. Some are vegetarians, such as the …
Using borax to clean carpets is a natural alternative to commercial carpet cleaning solutions. Borax, a boron compound, is a natural element used as a household cleaner throughout the …
Are you looking for a fun way to add some color to your hairstyle? If so, dyeing your hair with Jell-O® is a fun and safe alternative to traditional …
Learning how to unclog a dishwasher drain is easier than it sounds. Most dishwashers are located beneath the countertop and, therefore, can be more difficult to work on than …
Is Pluto Bigger Than Earth? Pluto is not bigger than Earth. With an equatorial circumference of 4,493.7miles, Pluto is 5.5 times smaller than Earth, which has an equatorial circumference …
Who Invented the Dishwasher? The first commercially available power-moded dishwasher was invented by Josephine Cochrane in 1886. More Info: Dishwashers are one of the most common home appliances; however, …
Where Is Magnesium Found? Magnesium is found in nature, in the human body, and in food sources. In nature, magnesium is found in combination with more than 60 minerals, …
Does Earth Rotate? Earth does rotate. The Earth’s rotation is what gives us day and night. Rotation is the spin of the planet on its axis. The Earth completes …
Vinegar for Age Spots and Other Natural Remedies Natural remedies for all ailments, including cosmetic corrections such as fading age spots, have been passed down from generation to generation. …
Can Silk Get Wet? Most silk garments can get wet, but water makes the fibers more fragile. It should not get wet if your garment is already fragile, such …
What Is the Difference Between an Alligator and a Crocodile? Alligators and crocodiles both belong to the crocodilian class of reptiles, which has 24 species, but only two are …
Does Mercury Have Any Volcanoes? Mercury does have volcanoes. When the Messenger spacecraft returned photos of Mercury’s surface, scientists found images suggesting the presence of many volcanoes on the …
Can Ants Smell? Ants can smell. In fact, ants strongly rely on their sense of smell. Ants have more than 400 odor receptors located in their antennae. The ant’s …
Does cotton shrink in the dryer? Cotton does shrink, but the process of laundering causes shrinking and not solely the dryer. Why Does Cotton Shrink? The process of spinning …
How Does Wind Power Work? Wind power is the transfer of kinetic energy from air movement to a medium that is beneficial to humans. Humans have been harnessing the …
Does Carbonated Water Hydrate You? Carbonated water is merely water with carbonation added and is just as hydrating as water without carbonation. How Is Carbonated Water Made? Carbonated water …
Have you ever wondered how to dye your hair with black tea? Using black tea rather than commercial hair dye to color your hair is cheaper, causes less damage …
Does cotton shrink in the wash? Cotton does shrink in the wash. In the case of cotton, it’s the agitation that’s the culprit for shrinkage, not heat, so yes, …
How Long Do Kidney Stones Take to Pass? Jump Ahead Average Length of Time for a Kidney Stone to Pass A kidney stone that is smaller than 4mm usually …
What Is the Difference between a Cyclone and a Tornado? The main difference between a cyclone and a tornado is its origin. Tornadoes form on land, whereas cyclones form …
Can Women Get Kidney Stones? Women can get kidney stones. Men are more likely to develop kidney stones, but the incidence rate for women is rising. It is estimated …
Can Acid Reflux Cause Chest Pain? Jump Ahead What Is Acid Reflux/GER Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the ring …
Is Ginger Good for Acid Reflux? Jump Ahead Benefits of Ginger Ginger has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Today, ginger is used as a topical pain …
There are many birthmark meanings steeped in superstition and folklore. Before the advances in medical science, superstitions were used to explain every occurrence – from conception to death and …
Can Acid Reflux Cause High Blood Pressure? Jump Ahead Acid Reflux May Cause Low Blood Pressure According to one study published in April 2008 in the Gastroenterology Journal, there …
Precipitation is any form of water particle that begins in the atmosphere and falls to the ground. The four common types of precipitation are rain, snow, sleet, and hail, …
How Are Hurricanes Measured? A hurricane’s strength is measured using various methods, including aircraft reconnaissance, ocean buoys, and satellite imagery. The official means of determining the intensity of a …
Coloring hair with Kool-Aid® is a fun and inexpensive way to experiment with hair color. Before getting started, here are some things to consider. Precautions: Anything that can dye hair has …
Does Acid Reflux Cause Headaches? Research has indicated that those who regularly suffer from acid reflux have a higher prevalence of headaches than those who do not. In fact, …
Owls are opportunistic predators. What owls eat depends on several factors, such as species, location, and food availability. Most owls are dietary generalists, meaning they don’t restrict themselves to …
Is Nitrogen a Gas? At standard conditions, nitrogen is found in a gaseous state. As a chemical element, it can be found in known material states, including solid, liquid, …
If you are looking for specific foods that help reduce acid reflux, check out this list of foods to eat and foods to avoid. Knowing what foods help reduce acid …
There are more than 900 tick species worldwide, 90 found throughout the United States. These parasitic arachnids feed on blood and carry a variety of diseases. If are planning an …
A letter of recommendation for nursing school focuses on the applicant’s strengths that will translate to nursing school. A quality letter of recommendation should be short and concise. However, …
In our fictional sample performance review, Jill is a newly hired staff writer for a publishing company. Examples are given for exceptional, adequate, and negative performance feedback. Job Knowledge …
What Are the Ingredients in Eyeliner? When you look at the product information for eyeliners, you will find any of the following essential ingredients listed: Alcohol denat Ammonium acrylates …
Does the Moon Orbit the Earth? The Moon does orbit the Earth. It takes 27.322 days for the moon to travel completely around the Earth. The moon travels around …
Don’t wait until the official performance review period to let your employees know how they are performing. Open communication is critical to a successful work relationship. Here are examples …
A letter of recommendation will endorse a particular applicant for employment. The letter should be a one-page document written using a business letter format. A standard letter of recommendation …
Can Acid Reflux Cause Bad Breath? Acid reflux can cause bad breath. Many studies have refuted the fact that acid reflux, also called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, causes …
The fact is ants are not a finicky bunch when it comes to food choices. They will eat pretty much anything depending on the species. Some favor sweet things. …
Different types of birthmarks fall into two categories-pigmented birthmarks and vascular birthmarks. Pigmented birthmarks occur when you have more pigment on one part of your skin than another. Vascular …
How to Get Rid of Ants Indoors An infestation of ants in the house can be distressing. And there is always that remote possibility that they may pass along …
Dyeing your shoes is a great way to turn an old, worn-out pair of canvas or fabric shoes into a new fashion statement or create a work of art …
If you are asked to write a letter of recommendation for a student-athlete, use this sample to make the process easier. 2345 School LaneWoodsboro, Virginia 00000 November 30, 2010 …
Can You Shower with Shingles? Keeping the skin clean is important when you have shingles, but the blisters’ pain may become irritated by a shower, depending on the water …
How long do ants live? The individual caste members of the ant colony live disproportionate life spans. The queen ant can live up to 30 years. The worker ants …
The performance review process is vital to the success or failure of a business. To use its assets most efficiently, a business needs to be aware of the strengths …
Letters of recommendation written by former employers tend to be brief and verify employment facts regarding the employee in question. Many employers’ written recommendations focus on the length of …
Does Earth Have Two Moons? The Earth does not have two moons. Unlike several other planets in our solar system, the Earth has one moon. Large planets like Saturn …
How Many Electrons Are In Nitrogen? The chemical element nitrogen has a total of 7 electrons. 2 electrons are in shell one while there are 5 in shell two. …
At What Temperature Does Water Freeze? Water freezes at a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 degrees Celsius, and 273 degrees Kelvin.—at sea level. The freezing point of water …
How Often Should You Get a Chemical Peel? How often you will need to get a chemical peel depends on the type. Chemical peels are divided into three categories …
How to Break In New Shoes. The internet is jam-packed with advice on how to break in new shoes. Some advice is sound, while other ideas are not only …
Does Jupiter Have a Magnetic Field? Jupiter has a vast and very complex magnetic field. While Jupiter has only a small rock and metalcore about Earth’s size, the core …
Does the Earth Have a Magnetic Field? The Earth does have a magnetic field originating in the Earth’s core. The Earth has a magnetic field surrounding it, high above …
Most birthmarks do not require treatment. However, for those that do, there are a variety of professional birthmark removal methods that modern physicians perform. The method that your physician …
Knowing how to use the correct format for a letter of recommendation is essential in the modern workplace. In either an academic or professional capacity, a well-written letter of …
How Many Protons Are In Nitrogen? Nitrogen has seven protons, 2 protons on the 1st shell and 5 protons on the second. The periodic table has several categorizations for …
Does organic cotton shrink? Yes, organic cotton does shrink. All cotton that is not treated or preshrunk will shrink, including organic cotton. Many organic cotton clothing manufacturers understand how …
How Much Does Water Weigh? The most widely accepted simple scientific answer to this question is that a gallon of room temperature water weighs 8.33 pounds. What’s more, if …
Does Mars Have Moons? Mars has two small, misshapen moons that orbit the planet – Deimos and Phobos. They are among the smallest in the solar system. American astronomer …
An excellent method of increasing the productivity of your staff and the morale of a company is the proper use of performance reviews. When utilized correctly, performance reviews can …
Leadership Competent leader, Motivates employees, Challenges and rewards performance, Effectively communicates to staff business philosophy, Operational plans are consistent with company vision, Effective decision maker. Communications Effective communicator, Creates …
Is Earth Bigger Than Mercury? Earth is bigger than Mercury. Mercury is notably smaller than the Earth. You may wonder just how much smaller it is compared to Earth, …
The history of performance appraisal began in 1911 when performance appraisal pioneer Frederick Winslow Taylor published two books: The Principles of Scientific Management and Shop Management. He would die …
Do Ants Have Brains? All ants have brains. The ant brain consists of learning, memory, sensory, and motor and mechanical components. The colony thinks together with each member of …
Where Does Cotton Grow Geographically? Cotton grows in warm climates and can be grown between the latitudes of 30°N to 30°S. Though it is possible to grow cotton anywhere …
There are several reasons why your shoes squeak when you walk. One part of the shoe rubbing against another. Moisture is trapped between an insert and the rest of …
What Is the Boiling Point of Water? The boiling point of water depends on where you are on Earth. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius or …
Do Ants Sleep? Ants sleep. In fact, ants are supersonic “power nappers.” Queen ants take an average of 92 naps per day, averaging 6-minutes each for a combined total …
Does Jupiter Have Any Rings? Jupiter has three rings. The three rings surrounding Jupiter are the main ring, the gossamer ring, and the inner halo. They are collectively known …
Is Fog Precipitation? Fog is not a form of precipitation but of condensation. Fog is defined as minuscule water droplets suspended in the air that produce a cloud layer …