Category: Astronomy
Does Earth Rotate? Earth does rotate. The Earth’s rotation is what gives us day and night. Rotation is the spin of the planet on its axis. The Earth completes …
Does Mercury Have Any Volcanoes? Mercury does have volcanoes. When the Messenger spacecraft returned photos of Mercury’s surface, scientists found images suggesting the presence of many volcanoes on the …
Does the Moon Orbit the Earth? The Moon does orbit the Earth. It takes 27.322 days for the moon to travel completely around the Earth. The moon travels around …
Does Earth Have Two Moons? The Earth does not have two moons. Unlike several other planets in our solar system, the Earth has one moon. Large planets like Saturn …
Does Jupiter Have a Magnetic Field? Jupiter has a vast and very complex magnetic field. While Jupiter has only a small rock and metalcore about Earth’s size, the core …
Does the Earth Have a Magnetic Field? The Earth does have a magnetic field originating in the Earth’s core. The Earth has a magnetic field surrounding it, high above …
Does Mars Have Moons? Answer at a Glance: Mars has two small, misshapen moons that orbit the planet – Deimos and Phobos. They are among the smallest in the …
Is Earth Bigger Than Mercury? Earth is bigger than Mercury. Mercury is notably smaller than the Earth. You may wonder just how much smaller it is compared to Earth, …
Does Jupiter Have Any Rings? Jupiter has three rings. The three rings surrounding Jupiter are the main ring, the gossamer ring, and the inner halo. They are collectively known …
Does Jupiter Rotate? Jupiter does rotate. Like all other planets in our solar system, Jupiter rotates on its axis and orbits around the Sun. Jupiter has the fastest rotation …
Does the Earth’s Core Spin? The Earth’s core does spin. In fact, the two parts of the core spin in opposite directions! The inner core spins eastward while the …
Does Mars Have a Magnetic Field? Mars does not have a significant magnetic field, though scientists believe it once did. In 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor detected sporadic magnetic …
Does Mars Have Any Rings? Based on our current knowledge, Mars does not have any rings. In fact, none of the rocky inner planets in our solar system has …
Is Venus Bigger Than Earth? Venus is NOT bigger than Earth. Actually, Venus is slightly smaller than Earth. Venus and Earth are sometimes called sister planets because they are …
Is Venus Hotter Than Mercury? Venus IS hotter than Mercury. Although Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, Venus is actually the hottest planet in the Solar System. …
Can Venus Support Life? Venus can NOT support life as we know it. Living organisms cannot survive on Venus. The planet is toxic to carbon-based life. A thick atmosphere …
Does Uranus Have Moons? Uranus DOES have moons. Uranus has 27 known moons, some of which were discovered as recently as 1986 when the Voyager II spacecraft reached the …
Is Uranus Bigger Than Earth? Uranus IS bigger than Earth. Though it is the smallest of the outer planets in terms of mass, Uranus is much larger than Earth, …
How Many Moons Does Saturn Have? Sixty-two moons have been discovered around Saturn; 53 are considered official moons, while 9 are provisional. What Is a Provisional Moon? The process …
Can Uranus Support Life? Uranus can NOT support life. As we currently define life, Uranus cannot support it. We have scoured the cosmos for evidence of planets, moons, and …