Category: Science/Nature
Several salamander species can live in water. Aquatic salamanders are equipped with gills and live solely in the water. Others are semi-aquatic, living on both the land and in …
Do Toads Hibernate? Toads do hibernate. Dropping temperatures signal that it’s time to find a hibernaculum for ectothermic toads. As the temperatures begin to drop, so does the toad’s …
Are Frogs Asexual? Frogs are not asexual. Depending on the species, frogs can reproduce through internal fertilization or external fertilization. Though frogs are not naturally asexual in the wild, …
Are Salamanders Poisonous? Some salamanders are poisonous. Salamanders have poison glands across the head, the back, and the tail that produce secretions. In some species, these toxins act as …
Can Frogs Bite? Frogs can bite. Most do not think of frogs as particularly aggressive, but frogs can and do bite. Although they appear toothless, frogs actually have two …
Can Owls Fly? Owls can fly and, in fact, are unique from other birds because they are silent fliers. Body Adaptations Needed for Flight Whether considering the great grey …
Do Hawks Mate for Life? One type of hawk, the red-tailed hawk of the Western Hemisphere, will mate for life if conditions allow it. All of the other raptors …
Are Falcons Endangered? Of the more than 35 species of falcons worldwide, two are currently endangered – the saker falcon and the Mauritius kestrel. The subspecies of the aplomado …
What Do Termites Look Like? If you are wondering what termites look like, you can find photos and descriptions below. Most individuals dealing with an infestation of drywood termites …
Does Carbon Dioxide Dissolve in Water? Carbon dioxide does dissolve in water. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form an aqueous solution. This may seem counterintuitive. Carbon dioxide is …
Who Discovered Magnesium? 1755 – Magnesium was first recognized as an element by Scottish chemist and physicist Joseph Black. He was the first to distinguish magnesium oxide (MgO) from …
The ant colony is divided into three castes: queens, males, and workers. The queen and the males are responsible for reproduction. The workers are sterile females and do not …
What Do Eagles Eat? Eagles eat various things, depending on the species to which they belong. There are 60 different species of eagles. Some are vegetarians, such as the …
Are you looking for a fun way to add some color to your hairstyle? If so, dyeing your hair with Jell-O® is a fun and safe alternative to traditional …
Is Pluto Bigger Than Earth? Pluto is not bigger than Earth. With an equatorial circumference of 4,493.7miles, Pluto is 5.5 times smaller than Earth, which has an equatorial circumference …
Where Is Magnesium Found? Magnesium is found in nature, in the human body, and in food sources. In nature, magnesium is found in combination with more than 60 minerals, …
Does Earth Rotate? Earth does rotate. The Earth’s rotation is what gives us day and night. Rotation is the spin of the planet on its axis. The Earth completes …
Does Mercury Have Any Volcanoes? Mercury does have volcanoes. When the Messenger spacecraft returned photos of Mercury’s surface, scientists found images suggesting the presence of many volcanoes on the …
Can Ants Smell? Ants can smell. In fact, ants strongly rely on their sense of smell. Ants have more than 400 odor receptors located in their antennae. The ant’s …
Does Carbonated Water Hydrate You? Carbonated water is merely water with carbonation added and is just as hydrating as water without carbonation. How Is Carbonated Water Made? Carbonated water …