Can You Color Synthetic Hair? You Sure Can!

Last Reviewed: Dec 3, 2024 @ 1:34 pm
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Can You Dye Synthetic Hair?
Can You Dye Synthetic Hair?

If you regularly wear a wig or hair extensions, you may wonder how to color synthetic hair.  It’s a bit more challenging than dyeing real hair, but these fun (and messy!) methods will help you achieve the look you want.

The problems associated with coloring synthetic hair all stem from the fact that it’s made from plastic. Any products that contain bleach or hydrogen peroxide are immediately out, as they can effectively melt the plastic. This eliminates all synthetic dyes created for natural hair. Any method that requires the application of anything more than very low heat is also out because it may damage the plastic. Vegetable-based dyes designed for natural hair and fabric dyes don’t work because they don’t adhere to the plastic. Any moisture at all would cause the wig to run.

Before You Decide to Dye

wig dyed pink

First, know that any alterations you try to make to synthetic hair have the potential to ruin it.  As long as you are willing to risk it, you can actually have a lot of fun coloring your wig.  The second thing to remember is that lighter wigs are easier to color and will come closer to the color you expected.  Now, on to your options!

Synthetic Wig Dye

Wig Dyed Blue

Dye made specifically for synthetic wigs does exist, but it comes in limited colors, is often hard to find, and can be very expensive. Still, if you can afford it, and the color you want exists, it’s probably your best bet.

The Sharpie® Method

Wig Dyed Yellow with Purple Highlights

If you can’t find synthetic wig dye in your color, begin by buying Sharpie® permanent markers in the shade you desire. Remove the ink sticks from the pens and use a sharp knife to slit the plastic coating. Put the ink sticks in rubbing alcohol and shake vigorously. If the resulting color is darker than you want, add more alcohol. If it’s lighter than you intended, add more ink sticks. Once you achieve your desired shade, apply the mixture to the wig. Wear gloves to protect your hands. Allow the wig to dry completely before washing it with cold water. Allow it to dry completely again before checking to see if you’ve achieved your desired result.

The Artists’ Ink Method

Dying Hair with Jello
Dying Hair with Jello

This method is similar to the Sharpie® method but is easier and less time-consuming. Simply buy artists’ ink in the desired shade and then mix it in a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol until you achieve the desired color. Spray the mixture onto the wig. Allow the wig to dry completely, and then wash it with cold water. When it dries the second time, check to see if it’s the shade you wanted.
