Tag: Skin, Hair, & Nails
Can You Exercise After a Chemical Peel? Answer at a Glance: You should not exercise directly after a chemical peel. A chemical peel is designed to remove layers of …
Is Henna Hair Dye Safe? Answer at a Glance: The FDA considers natural henna derived from the Lawsonia plant a safe hair color additive. But not all henna is …
Toxic levels of vitamin A can cause hair loss. Unlike water-soluble compounds that the body excretes when not required, vitamin A is a fat-soluble compound that the body will …
Does Hair Color Affect Static Electricity? If all variables are constant, hair color does not affect static electricity. In other words, if you rub a balloon on the head …
What Is the Rarest Hair Color? Red is the rarest hair color. Only 1% – 2% of the entire world’s population naturally have red hair. The reason for the …
What Causes Gray Hair? While graying hair is one of the earliest and most noticeable signs of aging, few people outside the health and beauty industries actually understand what …
Does Waxing Reduce Hair Growth? Waxing does reduce hair growth. The waxing procedure literally rips your hair right out of the follicle. This causes damage to the hair follicle, …
How to Wax Eyebrows Because waxing removes the follicle’s full hair, it is one of the most effective hair-removal methods. But waxing isn’t for everyone. Find out how to …
How Often Should You Get a Chemical Peel? How often you need to get a chemical peel depends on the type. Chemical peels are divided into three categories: superficial, …
What Type of Doctor Treats Nail Fungus? Answer at a Glance: The type of doctor that treats nail fungus is a dermatologist or a podiatrist. Though your general practitioner …