Tag: Squirrels
Are Squirrels Rodents? Squirrels are rodents. Squirrels belong to the rodent family of mammals and span several different branches within the Rodentia family. While most are diurnal, meaning sleeping …
Can Squirrels Swim? Squirrels can swim. Tree squirrels such as the North American grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) or the Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) can swim, although they are …
Do Squirrels Make Noise? Squirrels not only make noise, but they also have their own communication system. Special squirrel noises warn other squirrels about danger, scare away predators, and …
Do Squirrels Hibernate? Some species of squirrels hibernate, while others do not. The most common ground squirrel found in the Midwestern and Northeastern regions of the United States, the …
Are Squirrels Colorblind? Squirrels are colorblind. A squirrel’s vision is unusually colorful compared to most animals, but by human standards, it is still considered colorblind. Most squirrels have dichromatic …