Tag: Wasps
In the warmer months, it may seem like you come across many different kinds of wasps, but more than likely, you are seeing one of the three types of …
Can Wasps Smell? Wasps can smell. The sense of smell enjoyed by wasps is so remarkably well attuned that researchers in Georgia have been able to train one species, …
Identifying the differences between wasps and hornets must begin with, firstly, an understanding of the differences between bees and wasps. Wasps play a much more minor role in the …
Where Do Wasps Live in the Winter? Male wasps die in the winter, and colony queens hibernate. The winter habits of the 20,000 or so different species of wasps …
What Do Wasp Stings Look Like? Like bees, female wasps such as yellow jackets are equipped with a sac of venom and a stinger to deliver the venom into …