If you find your home seems to be attracting termites, there are several termite prevention tactics to prevent them from seeing your house as their next meal.
Subterranean termites (those responsible for 95% of infestations) require moisture to survive. They make their home in the soil and create mud tubes in which to travel. Armed with this knowledge, will help you to create a space that is inhospitable for them, preventing an infestation. ((UMass Amherst: Building and Construction Technology – “Controlling Termites and Carpenter Ants”))
Remove All Wood Soil Contact
Michael F. Potter, Extension Entomologist at The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, advises eliminating all structural wood that comes in contact with the ground, including wood siding and window and door frames. These should be no less than six inches from the ground. This also includes structures such as wooden stairs, posts, and latticework. ((The University of Kentucky – “Protecting Your Home Against Termites“))
Keep Area Around the House Dry
The experts at The University of California Integrated Pest Management Program warn that the area around the foundation should be kept dry and well-ventilated. ((UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program – “Termites Management Guidelines”)) This can be accomplished first by making sure that the soil around your foundation is properly graded to divert water away from the home and by installing gutters, downspouts, and splash blocks. Also, use mulch sparingly and don’t let it touch the home’s structure. Even stones used as mulch work to retain moisture which attracts termites. ((The University of Kentucky – “Protecting Your Home Against Termites“))
Keep Debris Away from the Foundation
The pros over at Terminex strongly suggest that you keep debris away from the home’s structure that will attract termites. This includes dead trees, stumps, lumber, stacked newspapers, and cardboard boxes. ((Terminex – “Termite Prevention: How to Prevent Termites“)) Even stacked firewood is a big no-no.
Choose Termite Resistant Building Materials (last-not an option for most)
If you are in the position, the most effective way to prevent termites in your home is during the building process, say the professionals at the University of Florida. Today’s termite-resistant building material choices include steel framing, concrete in the wall system, Teri-Mesh Systems installed around the foundation prior to pouring, and choosing wood products that aren’t as palatable to termites. ((The University of Florida – “Experts Say Termite Resistant Construction Best Way to Prevent Damage”))