What Color Is Delphinium?

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Last Reviewed: Apr 26, 2023 @ 12:35 pm
Reading Time: 2 minutes
What Color Are Delphiniums
What Color Is Delphinium?

The most common color of most delphiniums is blue, but it can be found in red, pink, white, violet, and yellow.

Delphiniums are short-lived perennials, which means that they will experience regrowth each season for an average of three to four years. They are often confused with the close relative, the annual larkspur, because larkspurs often overseed, making them appear to be perennials. The larkspur flowers are slightly smaller than that of the delphinium but come in the same variety of colors.

What Other Garden Flowers Are Blue?

How to Grow Delphinium - Staking

Are you interested in finding additional blue flower varieties to add a splash of color to your flower bed? There are plenty to choose from!

Blue Perennials:

Amsonia tabernaemontana-Bluestar

Anemone pulsatill -Pasqueflower

Ajusg reptans-Bluebugle

Cornflower Thumbnail

Acanthus mollis -Bear’s breach

Anchusa azurea- Italian bluegloss

Auqilegia hybrids-Columbine

Aster novae-angliae-Michaelmas Daisy

Baptisia australis -Blue Wild Indigo

Campanula percisifolia -Willow-leaf Bellfower

Catananche caerulea -Cupid’s-dart

Blue Hydrangea Thumbnail
Blue Hydrangea

Centaurea cyanus -Cornflower or Bachelor’s Button

Echinops ritro -Small Globe-thistle

Eryngium giganteium -Sea-holly

Geranium species -Blue Cranesbill

Hosta seiboldiana- Plantain-lily

Iris germanica -Bearded Iris

Iris sibirica- Siberian Iris

Forget Me Not thumbnail

Linum hybrids -Russell Lupine

Myosotis scarpioides -Forget-me-not

Nepeta mussinii -Ornamental Catmint

Perovskia atripicifolia -Russian Sage

Phlox subulata -Moss-pinks

Platycodon grandiflorus -Balloon Flower

Polemonium reptans -Jacob’s-ladder

Blue Iris Thumbnail
Blue Iris

Primula polyantha -Polyanthus Primrose

Salvia x superb -Violet Sage

Scabiosa caucasica- Pincushion Flower

Stokesia laevis -Stoke’s Aster

Veronica longifolia -Speedwell


Fell, Derek. The Essential Gardener: The Best Plants for Design and Cultivation : annuals, perennials, bulbs, roses, trees, shrubs, herbs, vegetables. New York: Arch Cape Press :, 1990. Print.