When Do Geraniums Flower? | Geraniums Growing Guides

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Last Reviewed: Jun 12, 2023 @ 10:50 am
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When Do Geraniums Flower

When do geraniums flower?

Geraniums that are planted soon after the last frost will begin to flower in the early spring.

Different Species Different Bloom Times

There are over 200 species of geranium, some requiring different care and having different bloom times. For example, the Martha Washington variety requires cooler temperatures and will not flower during the hot summer. So this particular species will only flower in the spring and fall.

Potted Geraniums

Potted geraniums will flower all year long if they are brought inside for the winter and kept in a warm, sunny location. They can be returned to outside containers and window boxes as soon as the last frost has passed and the temperatures remain above 60°F.


“Outdoor-Indoor Geranium Culture.” University of Minnesota Extension. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2012.

Whitmyre, Val. “To Brighten Winter Landscapes, Think Geraniums.” University of California, ucce.ucdavis.edu/universal/printedprogpageshow.cfm?pagenum=3558&progkey=2080&county=5576.