Will the Dryer Kill Bed Bugs?

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Last Reviewed: Mar 13, 2025 @ 1:47 pm
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Woman with magnifying glass detecting bed bug in bedroom
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Will the Dryer Kill Bed Bugs?

Answer at a Glance: A clothes dryer will kill bed bugs. Research has indicated that bed bugs can be exterminated at high temperatures. Temperatures over 119°F are high enough to kill adults, while eggs require temperatures over 131°F. Eggs can be exterminated at 119°F if exposed to this temperature for at least 71.5 minutes. [1]

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How Hot Does a Clothes Dryer Get?

Interior of a real laundry room with a clothes dryer at the window at home
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According to Maytag, depending on the dryer type and settings, the average temperature of a clothes dryer falls between 120°F and 160°F. [2]

If your clothes dryer reaches the higher end of this temperature range, it will kill adult bed bugs and their eggs. If the highest setting on your clothes dryer is below 131°F, leave the items in longer to kill the eggs.

How to Kill Bed Bugs In the Clothes Dryer

Woman taking laundry out of the clothes dryer
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Loosely fill your clothes dryer with dry items. Dry items will reach lethal temperatures faster than wet items. Though the bed bugs will likely die well before, run the dryer for 20-30 minutes to ensure that the dryer has had sufficient time to reach the target temperature. Again, if your dryer does not reach at least 131°F, you need to run the dryer for at least an hour and fifteen minutes.   

A helpful tip from the University of Kentucky’s entomology department is to place all of your infested items in a disposable trash bag before carrying them from room to room to minimize the risk of the bed bugs falling off and spreading through the dwelling. [3]

How to Kill Bed Bugs Out of Doors

low clouds over long stretch of road with sun peaking through.
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If throwing those nasty critters in your clothes dryer is too much to bear, or you have items that you can’t put in your dryer, you can try reaching the same lethal temperatures out of doors. First, wrap your items loosely in black plastic trash bags and leave them in the sun on a hot day for at least a day. Find the hottest spot you can, such as black asphalt. This method may not be as successful as other methods since you are leaving the temperature up to chance. [4]

A faster method to reach lethal temperatures is to place the trash bag in an enclosed car parked in the sun. At a comfortable 75°F, the inside of an enclosed vehicle can reach temperatures that exceed 120°F in a little over one hour. Temperatures continue to rise the longer the vehicle sits in the sun. [5]

Cold Temperatures Will Also Kill Bed Bugs

frozen landscape with lake and pine trees covered in snow. Cold freeze freezing concept
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According to new research, temperatures below 0°F for 3.5 days will kill bed bugs. You can use this to your advantage by placing small, infested items in a freezer bag and placing them in the freezer as long as your freezer is set to 0°F or below and those temperatures can be maintained for the length of time needed. Some freezers may not be up to the task. [6]

If you have a bed bug infestation, you should consult a professional exterminator in conjunction with your in-home efforts to ensure that he eradicates the infestation and not just a few of the population.

How Do You Prevent Bed Bugs?

woman vacuuming carpet
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You can prevent bed bugs by keeping bedding and bedroom areas clean and clutter-free and taking measures to reduce the risk of introducing the bugs into the home or on the clothing. First, clean bedding and clothing frequently.  Next, when coming home from a trip, all clothing should be washed immediately and luggage cleaned. Bed bugs can easily hitch a ride and infest a home. Finally, vacuum thoroughly often. Change the bag after every use and place it in a sealed plastic bag so they can’t escape. Then, immediately take it out to the garbage bin. [7]


  • [1] Kells, Stephen A, and Michael J Goblirsch. “Temperature and Time Requirements for Controlling Bed Bugs (Cimex lectularius) under Commercial Heat Treatment Conditions.” Insects vol. 2,3 412-22. 29 Aug. 2011.
  • [2] Maytag – “How Hot Does a Dryer Get? Dryer Temperatures and Tips.
  • [3][4] University of Kentucky – Entomology Department – “Bed Bugs.
  • [5] No Heat Stroke – “Vehicle Heating Dynamics.
  • [6] Joelle F. Olson, Marc Eaton, Stephen A. Kells, Victor Morin, Changlu Wang, Cold Tolerance of Bed Bugs and Practical Recommendations for Control, Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 106, Issue 6, 1 December 2013, Pages 2433–2441.
  • [7] Environmental Protection Agency – “Top Ten Tips to Prevent Bed Bugs.”

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